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Pilot Microgrids
Last update : 08/06/2010

ΤΑ1. Requirements for various DGs in supporting Microgrid operation

  • NTUA, University of Manchester and ISET will develop a "common" datasheet for the major DG units. The datasheet will include basic and advanced characteristics and common measurement units (power in kW, emissions in CO2/kgr fuel etc). Therefore the technical capabilities and requirements for various DER technologies, including storage and DSM, to provide network support to ensure efficient and secure operation of the Microgrid will be evaluated on an objective basis.
  • ISET will investigate and describe inverter performance with regard to ancillary services and fault ride through capabilities: It will focus on the overload performance of inverters with regard to typical fault times. It is expected, that today's inverters are able to contribute substantially to fault currents, at least for a limited time. The required short-term storage capabilities (DC-link) will be assessed.
  • Manchester will focus on advanced optimisation for domestic CHPs: It is envisaged that in Northern Europe micro-CHP will be a major generation technology applied at domestic premises. UMIST will develop algorithms for scheduling of these devices to maximise benefits for individual customers while taking into account various operating constraints and conditions, such as desired room and water temperature range at particular times of use ambient temperature, the characteristics of thermal insulation, time varying price of electricity and gas etc. The project will apply alternative optimisation methods, which can be technically implemented by affordable micro controller embedded in the micro source controllers.
  • LABEIN will develop and evaluate innovative local controls aimed to improve stability and self islanding detection in inverter dominated LV networks.